Please feel free to post any stories, anecdotes, thoughts or feelings relating to our 45th reunion, held June 27, 2009. Share them with your friends and classmates. We'd love to read them right here.
Virginia Van Loan Lynch
Posted on the 2014-08-04 at 20:00
Hello all,
I just found this site and thought I would make an entry. I'm sorry I missed the 2009 class reunion. Here's hoping there's another one around the bend.
I got married in 1998 to a Irishman by the name of Tim (aka TC or Red) Lynch and we live on Staten Island. We have no children but we have a comfortable house, a wonderful dog, a Maine Coone cat, a shared love of baseball, and a great life! Once in awhile I drive through Garden City and it is still a very pretty town.
If anyone wants to get in touch, please give me a shout via email.
Ginny (Van Loan) Lynch
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rosemary bluckley mcdermott
Posted on the 2014-05-02 at 20:00
Tom & Reunion Committee,
Thank you for organizing a great reunion weekend.
Tom - for your emails (please thank your wife for all her help at the door)
Kathy McGroaty and Martha Harrington - for collecting the checks, flowers on the tables, picking out the menu, etc.
Cliff Enderle - for depositing the checks and paying the bill
Bill Kenney - for picking up the tab for the DJ and taking the ad in the GC News (even though we all thought it was Jack Biggane), and having the first dinner meeting back in October
Grant Varga - for the fabulous name tags--that was a lot of work
Al Vanasco - for getting entry into the GC Pool on Saturday
Lorna Litton - for taking great pictures
Ed Kelley - for the coke and fries, and caring on Fri. night
Most classmates said I didn't change--not sure if that was good or bad. I could recognize most "girls" but not the "boys". Fred Magovern (I thinks it was Fred) had our grammar school graduation picture from St. Joe's. I could name every "girl". Wish we had taken a picture Saturday night of all us who graduated from St. Joe's. There were a lot of us there on Sat. Not enough time to talk to everyone.
GC will always remain a major part of my life after having lived there for over 55 years, down the block from the high school on Hampton Rd. We moved a year and a half ago.
Lots of memories................Rosemary Buckley McDermott
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Jeff Barnard
Posted on the 2009-07-10 at 20:00
I have enjoyed reading the bios and stories and seeing the pix. I hope in 5 years my family reunion is not at the same time as our 50th!
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Linda Carey Williams
Posted on the 2009-07-02 at 20:00
To Tom and the rest of his committee who made the reunion a huge success,
Thank you for all the work who did to make this past weekend one of the highlights of our lives. Thank you also to Connie Hepper Thompson, who responded to my email inquires. Rod and I, along with our house guest, Connie, had a wonderful weekend.
If any of you are in the Garden City area, please give me a call.
As far as our 50th reunion, I can hardly wait.
I'm one of (if not the youngest member of our class-born in November 1946) so I really don't understand how Fran is soooo old-at 25, I'm only 21 myself, never mind that I've been married 44 years and have a 43 year old daughter and a 38 year old son-they are sooooo much older that Rod and me.
Well, please keep in touch. We had a great time from beginning to end.
Thank you again for a great time,
Linda Carey Williams
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Lee Heenan Caassidy
Posted on the 2009-07-01 at 20:00
Hi to everyone - first of all I think I sent you all the beginning of an email I started the other day....sorry for the screw - my thoughts on our WONDERFUL REUNION - it truly was a trip down memory great it was to see old friends and find out what everyone's been doing since 1964...I want to give the biggest thank you to Tom and his committee...all your time and work and generosity was appreciated by all...for those of you who couldn't attend I would say you must not miss the will be another great experience....also I would encourage everyone to still send in your bios (yes I am doing mine very soon)....everyone who read the bios truly enjoyed them, and Dick Conway will have them ALL committed to memory by the next time you see him (he is amazing) some random thoughts: I am so glad I strong-armed Candy Clark and Joan Superdock to attend...they had a ball....I truly enjoyed singing the Camp Suannee song in the Ladies Room with Candy Clark and Wendy Hanff....too bad Barbara Sadler wasn't with us....maybe in five great to see Bob Sullivan....and I know we all feel you are part of our class....good grief there are so many of us who have been together since St. Joe's.....also I must say I so enjoyed spending time with Geoff and Nancy Barger....seeing Nancy (and Martha Harrington, Emmet Harty, and Connie Hepper) brought back many homeroom memories....also seeing those who worked at the GC Pool - Denise Cleary, Michelle Murphy, Bruce Myers, those were fun summers....well I could go on, but I must good seeing you all....feel free to keep in touch ...I'd love to hear from all of you....LEE
P.S. Thanks to all the spouses and friends who came to the are real troopers...and I hope to see you all in five years !!!!!!
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Steve Vince
Posted on the 2009-07-01 at 20:00
What terrific pics! Thanks for sharing them with all of us very-jealous-of-you 'no-shows' and what a fine looking group you are! The school buildings don't look like they've changed at all! Amazing!! Maybe we should start having these things annually? If not, put me down for the 50th. If I'm still breathing, I'll be there!
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Posted on the 2009-06-30 at 20:00
Before going to the pool on Sat., Jacques LeGette, Mel Harner, Athene(Landis)Anderson and I (Ellen Garrison Ebanks) took a driving tour of GC, finding our old houses, testing each other to see who remembered where each other's houses were, and stopping by GCHS. Much to our surprise, the high school doors were open so we wandered right in and gave ourselves a wonderful tour down memory lane. Fortunately, no alarms sounded and we didn't even get arrested! We located old classrooms, the cafeteria, gym, and auditorium , where each of us had performed at various times. There were new lockers but, surprisingly enough, the old terrazzo on the stairway was still there! How much fun it was to take ourselves back 45 years by entering that building! Thanks to GC and to all of you for the precious memories!
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Athene Landis Anderson
Posted on the 2009-06-30 at 20:00
The reunion was absolutely amazing. My deep appreciation goes to Tom Schenk, Kathy McGroarty and Martha Harrington for taking it on and doing it up in style. It was a little surreal to spend Friday night at Leo's, my father's old bar and restaurant. I met the manager and promised to send him some terrific pictures I have of "Leo's Midway" in the old days. A favorite is a picture when Ike won the election and my father (clearly a Democrat) is standing behind a pile of white towels holding a pitcher of beer with a sign that said "Free crying towel with your beer."
It was so wonderful to see Ellen Garrison, Bobbie Max, Flo Driscoll, Skip Saal, Jacques LeGette, Brett Schiftner (who is in every other picture on the web site!), Mel Harner and so many more. It is unfair how great Jo Edwards looks with platinum white hair. And thanks to Melva Fager and Jo for strong arming John Ping Loh into coming to the dinner! What a treat!
What struck me most about the people who came is how life is the great equalizer and we all were so happy to see each other. Even those we didn't know that well in Garden City.
I went to my old house on Locust Street, knocked on the door and the lady who bought the house from my parents invited me in. What a treat! She still has the radiator covers my mother bought from Sears Roebuck! As I remember, those English tudor style houses in the neighborhood were designed and built by Melva's grandfather.
Garden City never looked more beautiful. I forgot how really beautiful it is. How lucky we were to grow up in that wonderful village among amazing friends and get the education we did there.
I must admit that nostalgia is running high for me right now. While I love my life here in Seattle, some little part of me is longing for the life we had in Garden City. A.T. Stewart knew what he was doing!
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Athene Landis Anderson
Posted on the 2009-06-30 at 20:00
Oh, I forgot to add that the city of Mercer Island where I live has changed the street address of my house to 5725 92nd Ave SE, Mercer Island WA 98040. See you in five!
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Doris Duncan Howard
Posted on the 2009-06-30 at 20:00
Saturday night, someone asked me if I thought people change, as in are we different people now after 45 years…
I tried to reflect on this. In high school, I was not a cheerleader or an athlete. I even wondered who might know, let alone recognize me at all after all these years!
But my answer is this:
I think we all grew into the people we were meant to be.
I welcomed getting to find again those I had known and left in 1964 and also to
rediscover the ‘new kids’ that hardly knew me.
It was a wonderful experience, the ability to leave at home the familiar world we have made for ourselves and take that trip back to a time when we all had a thousand memories yet to make and then to reminisce or share with each other what time and life has given us.
Thank you Tom and everyone else who made this night happen!
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Geoff & Nancy (Healion) Barger
Posted on the 2009-06-29 at 20:00
What a BLAST! Again, many thanks to Tom and all who made this such an outstanding event. I suggested we post interesting, and perhaps 'small world' stories that this past weekend has turned up. I thought I'd start if off with a conversation between Nancy and Candy (Clark) Walsh. Candy mentioned that her daughter had recently wed in Princeton NJ. Nancy asked where since we're very familiar with tha area and Candy responded 'at Jasna Polana' a TPC club we belong to. Nancy asked Candy if she knew Heather Haggan and other folks we're very familiar with at Jasna. Candy said sure, she was very familiar with Faye, Christopher and Heather, the group that handle all special events at the club. Candy then asked how Nancy and I know Heather. 'Well Candy, SHE'S OUR DAUGHTER!'
I'm sure there must be other 'Six Degrees of Seperation' stories to be told. Please share those and all great conversations that went on! ON TO THE 50TH!!!!
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michelle murphy
Posted on the 2009-06-22 at 20:00
hello all
can't wait to see everyone.....only 3 days!!! this has all been very emotional....the build up, the notes, the photos, FB, wow this reunion has had a life of its own....and it hasn't even happened yet...may it continue to have a life long after...
"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places....." xo mm
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Grant Varga
Posted on the 2009-06-06 at 20:00
I'm doing the name tags for Tom, so have already started rethinking all those years ago when looking at each and every picture. I was so sorry to have missed the last reunion when the flu coincided with that very date. So don't make any excuse thinking you'll do the next one. Some things never pass this way again!
Hope there's enough time to catch up with everybody!
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Ed Rea
Posted on the 2009-03-14 at 20:00
While I'm not going to be able to attend the reunion I'm looking forward to reading everyone's bios.
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Karen Spurge
Posted on the 2009-03-04 at 19:00
Hello from Ormond Beach, Florida! Looking forward to the reunion. This committee has done a great job and thank goodness for the notice in the Garden City News. It just doesn't seem possible that 45 years have gone by. Looking forward to seeing and hopefully remembering everyone!
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Priscilla Small
Posted on the 2009-02-26 at 19:00
Greetings from North Carolina! I haven't been to NY since our last reunion. This time I am bringing along my husband. GCHS experiences were so incredibly formative. I can't wait for all the catching up. I hope all our classmates make the effort to come if possible. No fair getting into shape or dying your hair just for the event. Thanks to the committee for putting it all together. Are we still missing a lot of people? See y'all in June.
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Steve Vince
Posted on the 2009-02-22 at 19:00
Wow, 45 years ago nobody was thinking too much about this! I'll certainly try. If I don't make this one my wife will have to mail a pinch of whatever's left and a poster to the big five-oh!
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Fran Heggie Unrine Mauro
Posted on the 2009-01-26 at 19:00
I can't wait to see everyone. It's been a long time, a lifetime ago. I remember the names of all who have signed. I hope I can remember the faces and the memories when I look at the year book. That is if I can find it.
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Brett Schiftner
Posted on the 2008-12-25 at 19:00
Looking forward to having a great time at the reunion and hooking up with old friends. I'm planning to arrive Thursday so let's try to plan some Friday events.
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Karen Clark Woolsey
Posted on the 2008-12-23 at 19:00
Tom and all who have worked on this site - thanks for all the work. I am trying to find Liz Brashears , Patti Colbert, Sue Delong, Laurie Loranger, Sue Denison. Hoping to attend in June. Karen
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Bruce Myers
Posted on the 2008-12-22 at 19:00
Hard to believe it will be 45 years. Looking forward to the reunion.
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Chris Pedersen Woodard
Posted on the 2008-12-16 at 19:00
Can't wait to come back to GC and see everyone. Bet we all look great!
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Christine Castellano Levchuk
Posted on the 2008-12-14 at 19:00
Nice job reunion committee, and especially to you Mr. Schenck. Can't wait to see all of you in June!
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Jonathan Jeans
Posted on the 2008-12-14 at 19:00
This will be great. I have been waiting for this for too many years. Thanks to the committee.
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Melva Fager Okun
Posted on the 2008-12-10 at 19:00
I hope we have a great turnout for what will clearly be a fun event with people coming from all over the country back to ole GC. I like forward to seeing you all and hopefully dancing the night away.