BIO Page 12
Name:                         Cliff Enderle
Address:                     43 Cambridge Ave.  Garden City                
Telephone #’s:           516-437-4994  
Spouse’s name:          Ellen                                                

Children:                    Rick                           

Former Occupation:  Cash management/Client Service – JPM Chase
Education:                 BIE  - GM Institute   
                                    MBA – Univ. of Michigan
Since graduating from Garden City High School in 1964:
I completed the work/study program at GM Institute, and then worked for GM for one year.   The auto business was not for me and I was fortunate to be accepted at Univ. of Michigan where I graduated with an MBA.
After moving back to Garden City, I held various Accounting/Finance and Client Service positions at Chase and JPMorgan.  Three years ago our department was relocated to Tampa.  I chose not to relocate and am glad I was able to retire.
Ellen taught mathematics for many years at the high school level and most recently was a professor at St. John’s University.
Rick recently graduated from SUNY-Old Westbury with a degree in mathematics.
Outside of work, I still enjoy golf even though 1964 was my best year for that game.  Also played for the Dudes in the GC adult softball league for many years. Those were great times.  I’m glad I moved back to Garden City.
I am really looking forward to June 21 !
Parting thought – Now that 50 years have passed, it’s now time for the culprits who painted “64” on the high school to ‘fess up. 

Name: Virginia (Ginny) Van Loan Lynch
Current Address: 95 Simonson Place, Staten Island, NY 10302
Current Telephone #’s: Home: 718 981-0918   Cell: 646 201-3599
Spouse’s name: Tim Lynch
Children: None
Occupation: Senior Technical Writer and Project Manager
Education: BA ’68 English University of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Address when I lived in Garden City: 282 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530
After my Junior year in Garden City High School in 1963:
My family moved out of Garden City in the summer of 1963 because my father wanted to live close to his boat. He kept his dental office in Garden City, though, so I came back often. We moved to West Islip where we enjoyed boating in a more personal way with the boat docked on the canal in our back yard and a neighborhood beach down the street.  As much as I loved heading to the Hamburger Express on 7th Street in Garden City on Saturday afternoons, I equally enjoyed living so close to the water and being able to head over to Jones Beach and Fire Island in about 20 minutes!
I graduated from West Islip High School in 1964 and then headed off to the University of Notre Dame of Maryland in Baltimore.  I had decided in fourth grade at St. Joseph’s school in Garden City that I was going to Notre Dame because the nun who taught the class told us that their order (School Sisters of Notre Dame) also taught at their own college, and I really liked that nun! If anyone reading this also went to St. Joe’s and remembers who taught that class, please let me know!
After graduation from college in 1968, I moved back home to West Islip and commuted into lower Manhattan to my first job at the Chase Manhattan Bank where I worked as a research correspondent for the first four years after college. The commute from West Islip was really long, so I moved to Manhattan in 1969 and lived in several neighborhoods (Gramercy Park, East Village, and lower Manhattan). I also lived in some neighborhoods in Brooklyn, but I always moved back to Manhattan until 1987 when I decided to give Staten Island a try. After I moved to Staten Island, I never went back to Manhattan, except to work. I like Staten Island because it is similar to Long Island in that it’s not built on a grid; it is very residential; and it has access to many waterways. It also has its own natural harbor (Great Kills) where I moored my sailboat named “Blue Shoes” for several years. I sold the sailboat the year before I met my husband Tim.
I’ve worked in many investment firms in the metropolitan area (BNY Mellon, where I am currently employed, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Bear Stearns, JP Morgan, Chase, Goldman Sachs, and one dot com). I‘ve also done some stints for the government (at Fort Monmouth) and reinsurance firms (Guy Carpenter). My mainstay of employment is technical writing, which usually involves working with computer development teams. I also do some project management.  I own a group for technical writers in LinkedIn, called If you would like to connect in LinkedIn, please let me know!

I met my husband Tim on Staten Island in 1995 and we got married in St. Thomas, USVI, in 1998 where I own a timeshare at Bluebeards Castle that I had bought a year previously. The timing was perfect for the purchase of that timeshare because we had our wedding reception at Bluebeards after a beautiful wedding in a church at the top of a mountain on St. Thomas. We bought our house on Staten Island in 2002 and are still there. It’s like a country house and I describe it to people by saying that “the only thing missing is the mountain.” Since we’ve been there, I’ve grown to enjoy gardening. I grow most of the vegetables we eat during the summer, and dry the herbs for the winter. When I get the time (which isn’t often, unfortunately) I try to do some painting in the studio in our back yard. In the summer Tim and I watch baseball and we are devoted Yankee fans. Our dog is an excellent outfielder! We take frequent trips up to Cooperstown to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame and were there this year (2014) to see Joe Torre inducted. Throughout the year I do yoga regularly. I sing soprano in the upstairs choir at Sacred Heart church on Staten Island in the fall, winter and spring. Tim used to be a goalie when ice hockey hit the big time in the late ‘70’s and we follow that sport when it starts to get exciting midway into the season.
I don’t get back to Garden City often because the traffic on the Belt is always terrible, unless you leave Staten Island at 3 a.m.! If anyone from the class wants to meet for breakfast in GC at 7 a.m. on the weekend, tell me the place and I’ll be there because I’ll be able to make the trip in less than an hour at that time of the morning!
Parting thought: If there’s room, I have a couple of thoughts. When I went to Garden City High School I was a shy kid and the only thing I wanted to do was sneak out to DeSylva’s Dance School in Hempstead for ballet and tap lessons. I hated gym classes at the high school and especially feared the thought that I might not get picked for the team. I was afraid of everyone who was a football player or a cheerleader, even though I tried out for cheerleading myself. I now feel that time heals because I have begun to really like and understand the competitiveness behind sports.  A memory that sticks to me about GC High is when Miss Jennings, our Latin teacher, made us stay after school and write down words hundreds of times if we didn’t get a 90 on her weekly tests!